
Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon

Experience professional Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon at Dr. Rahul’s – The Dental Villa. Our expert team ensures optimal gum health and fresh breath

Enhance Your Oral Hygiene

Regular Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon is crucial for preventing gum disease. Keep your gums healthy and avoid complications with our expert services.


Say Goodbye to Plaque


Comprehensive Dental Care


Breathe Freely Again

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Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon - Gentle and Painless


Maintain Your Smile's Integrity


Simple Aftercare for Quick Recovery


Enhance Your Oral Hygiene

What is Teeth Cleaning? –  Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon

Our tooth is made up of two portions: crown and root. The Crown is the portion seen in the mouth, and the root is the part that supports the tooth in its place. Regular brushing is sometimes not enough to clean the tooth, and some deposits, like plaque and tartar, are challenging to remove with brushing.

Scaling removes tartar and plaque from the crown surface. Root planing is the procedure used to clean the root surface of the teeth. Teeth cleaning involves both scaling and root planing. Superficial crown cleaning or scaling should be done every 3-4 months. Root planing and scaling or deep cleaning are advised in certain conditions. The eligibility for deep cleaning is decided after a thorough clinical examination of your case by our experts at The Dental Villa Gurgaon. 

Steps in teeth cleaning- Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon

The first step is to consult with our The Dental Villa Gurgaon team. Our experts will clinically evaluate your case to formulate a customized plan. If required, we might take an X-ray to check the bone levels for a deeper insight into your gums’ health. Based on the clinical and radiological analysis, a customized treatment plan is made, and the number of sittings will be decided. 

The actual treatment starts with the use of a scaler. The scaler can be manual or ultrasonic, depending on the site and the condition of the deposits. Mostly, ultrasonic scalers are used for professional cleaning. The tip of the scaler vibrates and dislodges the deposits from the tooth surface. The whole process is painless and hassle-free. You will just feel the mild vibrations of the scaler tip. For deeper cleaning or root planing, we will use a curette to remove the infected lining of the roots. 

Indications of teeth cleaning?- Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon

The indications of teeth cleaning will vary from person to person, but the common symptoms to watch out for are listed below:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth mobility’s initial stages
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Receding gums
  • Bad breath

Why is Teeth Cleaning important?- Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon

A healthy mouth does not just have a healthy set of teeth. It means healthy teeth of teeth and supporting gums plus fibers that help anchor the tooth in its position. The initial deposition of debris and bacteria is called plaque, which is difficult to remove with brushing. If teeth are not cleaned by a professional, this plaque slowly converts into tartar. Tartar is a calcified plaque that irritates the gums and surrounding tissues. This leads to changes in the color and consistency of the gums. The inflammation of gums leads to bleeding gums. Bleeding gums are an initial sign that should not be overlooked. If not treated promptly, the infection will spread from the gums to the supporting fibers around the tooth. When the fibers get involved, the tooth’s mobility is affected. 

Aftercare of Teeth cleaning –  Teeth Cleaning in Gurgaon.

The aftercare regime of teeth cleaning is straightforward. It requires no special care and rest as it is a non-surgical procedure. Regular brushing and flossing are all you need to maintain optimum hygiene. 

  • Do warm saline rinses as our team instructed. Proper brushing technique is essential to maintaining good hygiene. Horizontal scrubbing is not the correct technique for brushing, as it does more harm than good. Learn about the right methods and use them to maintain optimum hygiene levels. Antibiotics are not required after teeth cleaning. 
  • Antimicrobial mouthwash may be instructed after deep cleaning sessions. 
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